Debbie Meyers, CSEP, A Titan of Taste, Talent, and Tenacity

Debbie Meyers, CSEP ( – 2024)
Professor Joe Goldblatt
“We need your help …” were the first words I recall hearing from my long time friend, who passed away this week following a long illness. A few years earlier I had helped to develop the Certified Special Events Professional (CSEP) certification programme and Debbie Myers wanted me to conduct a study group in my hometown of Dallas, Texas, where she was based. Within a few days she arranged for me to speak to the local chapter of the International Special Events Society (ISES) that is now known as the International Live Events Association.
I travelled to Dallas and Debbie hosted a small group meeting in her office of Bravo Entertainment. The participants were all highly experienced special events professionals and I was impressed with their earnestness and devotion to continuing education. And no one was more earnest than my friend Debbie Meyers.
According to Special Events Magazine, in a 2008 profile of Debbie, she first became interested in special events as a child attending her parents parties. However, even then she knew things could and should be better in terms of cretivity and organisation. She said in that article “When I attended their parties, I wanted to run away from home!”
She eventually ran away and joined the circus of special events. Twenty years ago she formed Bravo Entertainment, one of the world’s leading live entertainment companies and presented musical stars all over the world as well as creating innovative special events and along the way collected dozens of major industry awards for her good taste and rare talent.
However, as Debbie struggled with illness in recent years, I was most impressed by her tenacity. I telephoned her just before the global pandemic and told her I would be visiting Dallas for a family affair and would be happy to speak to her local ILEA chapter. She explained that she was suffering from cancer, however, she said “Leave it to me!” Then in typical Debbie style, she created a stellar team to plan my visit.
When the pandemic began to roar I decided to postpone my visit, not once, but twice as the pandemic entered a second wave. Each time Debbie replied “No problem. We shall reschedule. Let us know when you are ready.”
Her graciousness in the face of grave illness, her bravery and courage in creating and leading a business, and her warm friendship all during those difficult days made me love and admire her even more deeply.
I am hoping that one day my talk is finally rescheduled in heaven and I know that Debbie Meyers, CSEP shall be seated in the front row. I shall look into her beautiful eyes with admiration, respect, and love as she represents all that is good, clever, and kind about the industry she helped develop and that is so much better because of her taste, talent, and tenacity.
Professor Joe Goldblatt is Emeritus Professor of Planned Events at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, Scotland.